5 Surprising Things that May Affect Your Angling Action

Angling as a sport hasn’t always been about landing a fish for bragging rights. In fact, it wasn’t even a sport to begin with. For most of human history, it has been about survival. The origin of the word itself has to do with an ancient word for hook. 

Since angling has so many fishermen themselves hooked, maybe it’s a good idea to look into some lesser-known facts about fishing. After all, the more you know, the better.

Fishy Anatomy and Angling: 5 Things to Know

Fish are delicious, first off, but they’re funny in both how different and similar they are to us. Here are a few lesser-known facts about fish that can improve your catch.

1. Super Senses

Most species of fish find their next meal with their eyes, primarily, and since most fish eyes are located on the upper part of their body, they usually go for things that are above them, not below. Seek out brightly colored lures that will travel the water column above your targeted species.

Fish also rely on their sense of smell to decide whether to strike, so consider not just something that’s eye-catching but something that also smells good to a fish. Lots of artificial baits are scented these days, and of course, natural baits provide the stink a fish can’t resist.

2. Taking the Bait

When a strike happens, some anglers jump the gun. Setting a hook is important, but if you move too early, you’re as likely to pull the lure from the fish’s mouth as to fix it in place. Resist the urge to set that hook immediately, and you’ll be rewarded with a better catch.

3. Sending a Message

Fish don’t have voices, but they do communicate with sound. Some species do this using special teeth. Using a “rattle” lure — a lure with a built-in sound-making device — can get you more fish on the line.

4. Fast and Fishious

Think you’re quick? The fastest fish ever landed was able to take out 300 feet of line in 3 seconds, which translates to a burst of speed approaching 70 miles per hour. 

With speed like that, you need a reel that can keep up. Make sure you’re spinning reel is always free of sand and other debris, and add a few drops of oil throughout the season to make sure it’s running smoothly.

5. More than Just Luck

It takes real know-how to be a good fisherman. You have to know the best times of day to land one, what weather is best, what lures and baits to use, and you had better bring the best equipment too. It’s important to get your rods to the lake, river, or beach with a fishing pole holder that will preserve and protect its performance. 

The Best Truck Fishing Pole Holder Makes Fishing Even Better

Fishing pole transport is a nut every fisherman has been trying to crack ever since the rod and reel were invented. A quality car or truck fishing pole holder could make all the difference as far as your next fishing trip is concerned. With the right gear, you can enjoy your time out on the water without damaging your equipment.